Monday, August 31, 2009

Before I begin...

Why am I calling this a testament?

Definitionally, a testament is a document in which something is testified to, while a testimonial is a written or spoken expression of regard for a person's service or accomplishments…I don’t claim to have accomplished anything personally, rather, I have been given fulfillment by the knowledge of my creator by replacing my will with his. Romans 12:2 -Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. I want my testament to point straight to the truth at its most basic point, by explaining how it has changed my life. Nothing I have done or could do would result in the outcome I have experienced, and therefore I have concluded that there is a God.

What am I about?

For me, the last year has been characterized by: the dissolution of all my plans and securities, a freeing reliance on the sacrifice of God by which I am forgiven, and an overwhelming sense of urgency to love others who are without the peace I live in. (see John 14:27) My demeanor, outlook, sense of value, and ability to love have all done a 180 in the past 12 months.

I believe: Christians can pursue a relationship with God because Christ died as a blameless offering to atone for all sin, THEN ROSE AGAIN to victory over the grave and leave us with the Holy Spirit, as a counselor and helper. This Spirit can, I believe, intercede for me and make me acceptable to almighty God, not by my actions, but through my repentance and acceptance of Christ's sacrifice.