Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dress Up

"Clothes make the man, naked people have little of no influence on society." - Mark Twain

"Know first who you are, then adorn yourself accordingly" -Epictetus

"always dressing in understated good taste is the same as playing dead" -Susan Catherine

How I love to dress up!
Yesterday I was reminded how much fun I have pretending to be from another era, social class, place, or time of life. Different clothes as weird as it sounds, take my problems out of focus, and allow me to try on a new personage if only for an hour. I have heard that actors can feel that way when they escape into a role, so maybe this is the same thing? (if not, i'm just weird and that is ok too :o)

I mean it is honestly pretty ridiculous how much I still thrill in playing with clothes at age 23... Maybe it is a regression, or form of escapism, but there is nothing quite so satisfying as coming home to open the right hand side of my closet to reveal a secret stash of completely unnecessary vintage clothing items. I have accumulated pieces over the years simply because they make me feel good or they make me smile. I would never wear any of these items in public, but that makes them strangely more comforting in privacy.

After a discouragement, uncertainty, or letdown, I may put on a short fluffy tulle skirt with a white beater tank and leather jacket, or a silk tunic, a belt and tights, or silk shorts, a cashmere sweater, and ballet slippers...pearls and vintage pjs, unwearably high heels, ribbons and bows, etc etc. etc. Crazy, emotionally unstable, and a little immature? Sure. I'll claim that. But in my opinion it's cheaper and equally as effective as therapy. Also, my hobby of scouring vintage stores everywhere I travel makes it more fun. When I was a kiddie, I asked for dress up clothes and wands for just about every holiday that necessitated gifts. Maybe someday i'll grow up. Maybe i'll go to the next rose bowl flea market and buy some silk scarves I can make into a dress.

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